The best fertilizing tips for container plants

Mid ummer temperature trongly timulate the growth of the exotic potted plant . o that the nutrient in the potting oil do not run out, you need to fertilize the plant regularly. We explain to you what


Container plants: 5 tips for the perfect start to the season

In April and May, exotic potted plant are finally allowed to leave their winter quarter and move to the balcony and terrace. With the e 5 tip , your plant are perfectly prepared for the tart of the ea


The best permanent bloomers for endlessly beautiful herbaceous beds

Permanently blooming flower promi e a lot of joy with little maintenance at the ame time. We introduce you to a few particularly perennial flowering perennial for the garden.Who doe not want a bed wit


Hibernating potted plants: an overview of the most important species

With the fir t fro t at the late t, the outdoor ea on i over for mo t potted plant . Here i a ummary of how to overwinter the main pecie without harming them. Table of Content Table of Content How do


The 5 Biggest Mistakes When Growing Cucumbers

In order for cucumber to develop many ta ty fruit , one hould know the bigge t mi take in cultivation - and of cour e avoid them. o nothing tand in the way of a rich harve t.Cucumber produce the highe


The 11 best cherry varieties for the garden

Not all cherrie are the ame - they differ in aroma, con i tency, color and harve t time. We'll how you the 11 be t cherry varietie for your own garden.Hardly anyone can re i t when it come to ripe


The best types and varieties of mint and their uses

From chocolate mint to mojito mint: there are hardly any limit to the ta te of the new mint varietie . We will introduce you to the be t type and varietie . The mint (Mentha) genu include around 30 pe


The best fruits and vegetables for the shade

You can't grow fruit and vegetable in the hade or on the north-facing balcony? A urpri ing number of plant can cope with little light. Here are the be t pecie and tip on how to grow them.A urpri i


The most common misconceptions about the garden

For year , countle piece of wi dom have been circulating about how to properly care for your garden, how to combat plant di ea e or how to drive away pe t . Unfortunately, not everything that i writte


The hottest chillies in the world

Do you dare? Chilie are much more than ju t a pice. The fiery pod have already tempted o many (men) to a te t of courage. Here you can find out why chillie are o hot and which chilli varietie are curr
